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Skywings superfina Slick 360 ARF med printat färgschema!
Längd: 2600mm
Lämplig setup
Motor: EME 120cc, DLE 120cc
Built-up plywood, balsa and carbon fuselage, covered with heat-shrinkable film with printed graphics.
Servo extensions already in place
PVC canopy finished with decorated cockpit
Fiberglass engine cowl
Carbon main landing gear and tailwheel assembly
Fuselage-gear fairings and robust wheel covers in fiberglass
Plywood, balsa and carbon wings covered with heat-shrinkable film with printed graphics with SFG and Carbon wing tube.
Wings and horizontal stab bags in aluminized bubble wrap
Top quality accessories: wheels with alu hub, steel wheel axles, complete carbon tailwheel, tank, carbon double horns, ball clevises, clevis couplers, pull-pull rudder cable, steel linkages, safety connectors, velcro®, screws, engine mounting jigs, canister formers and more.